Why it is common for Moldovan women to marry foreigners

  • January 26, 2022
  • 8 min read
Why it is common for Moldovan women to marry foreigners

The trend of marrying a foreigner originated in Moldova in the mid-1990s. After the collapse of the USSR, all member states, without exception, had huge economic problems. This in turn led to the impoverishment of the local population. If in the early 1990s the majority of Moldova’s population still had some confidence that everything would be “as before”, closer to the mid-1990s the situation worsened. Some were looking for a way out of survival, and some wanted “everything at once.” For many Moldovan women, a man from the rich West has become the image of a dream prince on a white horse. Today ukrnetia.com tried to find out is it common for Moldovan women to marry foreigners and if yes, why?

For many Moldovan women, a man from the rich West has become the image of a dream prince on a white horse

In fact, many women who then met a foreigner in some way realized that marrying him was their chance to break out of poverty and say goodbye to the depressed reality of Moldova in the mid-1990s. Many women have succeeded and their successful example has inspired others.

It was not only escape from poverty or mercantile intentions that led Moldovan women to marry foreign men. In the 90s of the 20th century, the whole West, and especially the United States, Canada, Australia, for the average resident of the former Soviet Union were shrouded in romance and a destination country, which he/she would like to visit at least once in a lifetime.

Hollywood movies, stories of a few acquaintances who have traveled abroad, publications in newspapers and magazines about fairy tale style American life, made the chance to visit the West just a huge event that can happen only once in a lifetime.

The post-Soviet citizen had a huge open world in front, where there was no iron curtain, there was freedom of movement, but there were no financial opportunities to realize the dream trip.

The post-Soviet citizen had a huge open world in front, where there was no iron curtain

Therefore, marriage, for example, to an American, resolved closing many open gestalts for the average young and beautiful Moldovan woman – the opportunity to see America with her own eyes, not just to visit this continent, but also get the opportunity to live there.

This step also contributed to financial stability, meeting all basic material needs. In addition, you could brag to your neighbors, friends and enemies that your husband is American, and therefore, your life has succeeded.

What does the situation look like today?

What does the situation look like today

Over the years, the trend has only intensified. During the years of independence, life in Moldova has stabilized somewhat, but most people are still dissatisfied with their financial situation. Many confirm the fact that they earn not enough even for living. That is why the decision of leaving Moldova for abroad is also a daily reality today.

It is worth remembering that marriage migration is just one of the ways that Moldovans sometimes deliberately and often inadvertently use to change their place of residence for the longer term. Many able-bodied people also travel abroad as part of labor migration, but this is the subject of another article.

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Every fifth wedding in Moldova is international. Most often, the wife is from Moldova, and the husband from the West or the Arab countries, less often – from Asia.

In general, Moldova’s wedding geography covers more than 50 countries. And “demand” for overseas husbands seems to be growing steadily. According to surveys, every third Moldovan woman does not hide her matrimonial intentions towards the West.

Prompt and loyal marriage procedure promotes Moldovan-foreign marriages

Official registration can take place both: at the home country of a bride and at the groom’s home country, as well as in embassies and consular offices.

Prompt and loyal marriage procedure promotes Moldovan-foreign marriages

Moldovan family law is fairly liberal in terms of conclusion and registration of marriages with foreigners. This requires only two conditions: a mutual desire and achievement of the age of majority.

Women choose stronger, more promising men

Women choose stronger, more promising men

No matter what anyone says, instincts still control people. One of the strongest is security and procreation. Naturally, every woman wants her children to grow up safe, full, have opportunities for development and self-realization in the future.

From this point of view, Moldovan women are doing everything right. When choosing a husband, they also choose a future country for their children. Given that most Moldovan women grew up in difficult financial conditions, they do not want their children to repeat their fate. This is also one of the reasons why marriage to a foreigner is considered promising in Moldova.

Is it all just about finances?

We have written so much about the financial aspect that it may seem that Moldovan women marry foreign men only for material gain. Of course, this is not true. It is not necessary to divide everything into “black” and “white”.

In our subjective opinion, the financial aspect and everything related to it is key in choosing a foreign life partner for a Moldovan wife. However, this does not mean that most marriages are registered for this reason. When it comes to the financial aspect, Moldovan women often choose local men who have a stable financial position.

People are romantic beings and true love still lives in the hearts of many. There are many stories where love has become decisive in choosing a Moldovan woman’s partner for life. Also, when coming to Moldova in search of a potential wife, many foreigners went home with nothing because they had too many stereotypical thoughts about local women, misbehaved or simply did not know how to behave in a decent way.

One should not forget that although many women in Moldova are willing to consider a foreigner as a future husband, they do not choose just anyone as a future husband. Moldovan women are beautiful, smart, educated and they know it. Therefore, the partner must also have the appropriate level, regardless of the country of origin.

Men from abroad visit Moldova themselves in search of future lifelong partners

This is also one of the factors that contributes to the increase in the number of acquaintances, dates, and as a result – mixed Moldovan-foreign marriages. More and more men from abroad visit Moldova to keep an eye on their future wife.

You can often find stories on the Internet about men who have traveled in Europe and never heard about the country of Moldova. However, due to the fact that Moldova is located at the geographical crossroads, they somehow visited this wonderful country and were not disappointed, because this is where they met their future wife.

The beauty of Moldovan women is literally mesmerizing, and combined with intelligence and innate openness makes them desirable lifelong partners. Therefore, there is a danger that after visiting Moldova only once, a single man will come home with a newly married wife.

More women than men – that’s the explanation

More women than men - that's the explanation

Take for comparison America and Eastern Europe. In the US, there are 8 million more women than men. In the former Soviet Union states, the situation is even more dramatic – there are 15 million more women than men. That is, in Eastern Europe, a man simply has a better chance of finding a potential partner, even from a mathematical point of view. A man from the West, given the advantages of his origin and financial superiority, has even more chances.

Femininity and the traditional family trend attract men

Many Western men are tired of emancipation and constant tension, where they often have to change roles. Moldova in this case is a breath of fresh air. Here, women behave quite differently, reminiscent of good old movies. Such a dream of family comfort is also one of the factors in marrying a woman from Moldova. However, no one knows what everything will look like in married life.

However, this is an ideal situation for both. Moldovan women consider men from the West to be worthy potential husbands. Men from the West often look for comfort, understanding, opportunities to prove their importance to women as men. And here they find each other. The demand of both coincides with the supply of both. Perfect balance and harmony.

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Western men came to the place where they could find more simplicity. Among other features, they are looking for romanticism – a quality that is more than common enough for Moldovan women. Let’s face it, 5-hundred dollars on a flight to Moldova is not big money for the average Texas cowboy. Also, if this trip has every chance to become the best decision in life.

Moldova is not trying to encourage citizens to stay in the country

Although international marriages may turn into a serious problem for Moldova in the future, the country’s authorities are not too concerned about this. Foreigners come, leave their money in the country, and no one is interested in everything else.

Few people are interested in the fact that in a decade the working age population of Moldova will decrease significantly, most active young people will go abroad for permanent residence and will not benefit the country.

Such either indifference or loyalty of the authorities contributes to the formation of a certain worldview of Moldovans, including women. This outlook on life is that abroad is better than at home, so you need to get out of here. And it also contributes to the fact that it is becoming so common for Moldovan women to marry foreigners.